Wednesday 25 April 2007


Abortion is something that a lot of people have strong opinions about. I believe that a woman should be able to have an abortion if its what's best for her, the baby, or the family. If a woman does not feel she is ready to bring a baby into the world, or if she is young, and getting pregnant was a mistake then there is no reason why she should not be able to get rid of it. At the end of the day the baby is not goin to have a good quality of life is the mother does not want it.

However I am still unsure whether it is fair for the father to have a say. Although if i was in the situation i would like to have a say on whether or not she should have an abortion, i believe on the whole it is probably fairer that they shouldn't. In many cases it is proabably a completely selfish reason why the father would want an abortion, i.e. if they have been careless during a one night stand, then they should not be able to use abortion as a 'get out of jail free card'.

This link gives online help and advice on abortion

Tuesday 24 April 2007


There are many different types of gambling from the National Lottery to the casino, however taking part in the National Lottery is seen as more socialy acceptable way of gambling than going to a casino, one reason for this is that casino gambling can become very addictive for some people, and it is a lot more likely that debt will come as a result. Vegas is one of the worst places for poeple losing money, and some people will play the slots with every free second they have, and often spend all their wages in the casino. They will lose a lot more than they win, which suggests that it is the thrill of winning that keeps people wanting to gamble, rather than how much money they are actually winning!

Another reason for debt in gambling is due to the internet, as this has allowed people to gamble 24 hours a day from there own home making it easier and more attractive to gamble, this may result in the occasional win for some poeple but on the whole results in huge losses for many individuals!
This website gives a 'player's guide' on gambling:

Sunday 22 April 2007


Although i have never actually smoked myself i am not someone who is really against smoking and believe if people wish to smoke then they should be allowed to do so! Pretty much every single smoker must realise the dangers of what they are doing as it is so heavily advertised these days, and most of the people i know who smoke either are trying to quit or have tried in the past!
Some people are against smoking due to the risk of cancer from passive smoke, however for this to be of any real concern, i believe, you must be around people who smoke all the time, and if that is the case it is likely to be people who you are close to & if you are that close to someone then they should have the decency to not smoke around you!!
Many of the older generations smoke as when they were young it was seemed 'cool' and 'sexy' and was made popuar in TV and film. & many who i know who still smoke don' see the point in giving up now they are of a certain age, & is now something they can enjoy without having the guilt which they may have felt when younger.

A quote from Jonny Keogh (2 Pints of Larger & a Packet of Crisps):
"all you have to do is not put a white stick in your mouth and not light it, I've been doing it for 19 years, its a piece of piss!!"
this site helps people to give up smoking

Friday 20 April 2007


Drinking is very acceptable in today's society, and is a past time taken up by the majority of the population. However there are many different levels of drinking behaviour, for example there's the 'student' look on drinking which is goin out 2 get drunk several times a week and usually go to bars & clubs open till the early hours of the morining, & then there is the older population who tend to drink more in pubs and go for just a quiet drink.

Although alcohol can be harmful to the body in excessive amounts, however i dont believe that this is demonstrated enough to the public, unlike smoking is!

Thursday 19 April 2007

Body Modification

This is a permanent or semi-permanent alteration to the body, and includes such examples as piercings, tattoos, or even just dying or cutting your hair. As this is the case it is likely that everyone has modified their body in some shape or form, some however are more extreme than others.

tattoos however can often be regretted, and although they may seem like a good idea at the time, it may be a body modification that is not wanted later on in life! for example, tattoos on the forearm can sometimes be a negative aspect for potential employers, and may cost an individual a possible job. Also tattoos may change over time, e.g. if a woman has a tattoo on her stomach & later becomes pregnant then the tattoo may stretch and become less attractive, which in many cases is the reason for tattooing, especially in the western society.

Thursday 5 April 2007


Infidelity: Unfaithfulness, especially in marriage

Although this is the definition of infidelity, many people will have different views on what actually counts as being unfaithful. For example, some people may see flirting with others as cheating, whereas some people will say that it is only cheating if sex is involved. It often depends on the type of person someone is and the relationship itself.

I also believe it is seen worse in society when a female cheats compared with when a male cheats. One reason for this may be the influence of male friends; when a male is dating more than one girl at the same time he may be seen as a ‘player’ which is not usually seen as a negative thing. When a girl cheats however, it is not seen in the same light.
Infidelity in Marriage

Thursday 15 February 2007


Shoplifting is different to other types of theft as it is not stealing from an individual, but stealing from a company. this means that there is less guilt for the offender as they are likely to think they are not causing anybody any harm. Also even if someone is caught they are likely to get away with a caution, suspended sentence, or a fine, so the risk is not too great, and therefore there is not much of a deterant. However for most people, they know it is morally wrong, and it is this that prevents them from shoplifting, rather than it being illegal.

The reason people shoplift who may not need to, is often because they will get an adrenaline rush when/if they get away with it. It is the fact that they know what they are doing is wrong which is why they do it, & again there is no guilt or any real deterant to give them a reason not to. However it is only a small percentage of people who this applies to, as the majority of poeple have the "correct" moral standards to know that shoplifting is wrong.